CHASE DIAMOND TOOLS LTD., established in London in 1965, grew to become the leading supplier of single crystal diamond tools in the U.K. In 1992 the company was purchased by Kevin Stokes and became Chase Diamond Tools International Ltd.
In the spring of 2001 Chase outgrew its factory in Peterborough and moved to a larger purpose built unit near Corby in Northamptonshire.
The company specializes in the manufacture of diamond tooling, which is used to obtain a micro-surface finish or flatness in precious and non-ferrous metals and plastics.
CHASE undertakes continuous research into the properties of diamonds and was involved in a program at Oxford University where a study was made to correlate the internal growth, structure and quality of purity to the diamond's historical surface.
The development of new materials and manufacturing techniques to produce highly accurate components for the electro-optical and similar modern technological industries has led CHASE to market a wide range of tools, including turning, boring, milling, grooving, fly-cutting and nano-technology controlled waviness tools which are now used by major companies throughout the World.
At CHASE we are constantly looking to improve the quality of both our products and services to our clients. With feedback from you, our clients, we aim to provide high quality and value for money
Company Profile
Company Name:
Chase Diamond Tools International Ltd
United Kingdom
Products/Service We Offer:
diamond tools
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees:
Annul Sales(USD):
Contact Detail
Unit 10 Shirning Court, Northfolds Road, Oakley Hay Business Park, Corby, Northamptonshire