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Mößner GmbH
About Us
In 1964, Harold Mößner founded Mößner GmbH Precision Diamond Tools. Right from the start, his brothers Kurt and Peter Mößner were also jointly responsible for the continuous development of the company. Catering for the needs of regional customers, they formed a solid starting point for the constantly new demands placed on the tool industry.

Harold Mößner¡¯s daughter joined the firm in 1986, followed by her husband, Peter Feuchter in 1989. This enabled Harold Mößner to strengthen the management of the company specifically for new areas of responsibility.
The product range first concentrated on turning and milling tools for the jewellery and watch making industries in the region. Then, upright dressing tools for grinding wheels were introduced as a further product in the range.
In the mid eighties, the company began manufacturing hardness testing diamonds as a third product area. Today, Mößner GmbH supplies customer-specific high-performance tools for all kinds of different industries. The use of the most up-to-date cutting materials in addition to the original diamonds is one of the most innovative developments of the past few years.

Alongside the products themselves, customer advice, preparing designs and extensive service are a top priority in our company strategy. They form the basis for many years of continuous and positive cooperation with our customers.
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Company Profile
Company Name: Mößner GmbH
Country/Region: Germany
Products/Service We Offer: Diamond Tools
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established: 1964
No.of Employees: 0
Annul Sales(USD): 0

  Contact Detail
Address: Diamantwerkzeugfabrik, Kelterstr. 82, D-75179 Pforzheim
Telephone: 07231 / 44 05 58
Fax: 07231 / 44 05 50
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