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Peter Wolters GmbH
About Us
The Peter Wolters GmbH is a world leading manufacturer of high precision machine tools for individual applications in fine grinding, honing, lapping and polishing of flat workpieces. The product range is completed by combined grinding and brush deburring systems which have been developed for the final surface optimisation of fine ground and stamped workpieces. Since over 50 years the machines are in service worldwide with well known companies in the metal, glass, ceramic, and electronic industries. They are used wherever workpieces demand the highest quality of surface finish, parallelism, flatness and accuracy at an economical cost. The philosophy of Peter Wolters as innovation leader is to break through process limits, working together with our customers on a regular basis. Therefore, Peter Wolters is equipped with process laboratories including specific engineering and equipment resources and state-of-the-art measurement technology.
Company Profile
Company Name: Peter Wolters GmbH
Country/Region: Germany
Products/Service We Offer: machine tools for individual applications in fine grinding, honing, lapping and polishing of flat workpieces.
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees: 0
Annul Sales(USD): 0

  Contact Detail
Address: Buesumer Straße 96 24768 Rendsburg / Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 4331 458-0
Fax: +49 (0) 4331 458-290
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