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About Us
It all depends how it's done. And with whom.

Up until a few years ago, the various rapid technological revolutions that have shaped our century were easy to tell apart. Today, however, we find ourselves in the midst of a permanent technological revolution, combining an increasing number of individual technological disciplines and forcing ever more complex solutions.

Automation of grinding and polishing is quite a demanding task, to put it mildly ¨C and it involves all kinds of special dangers and pitfalls for the unwary. All of which is a very good reason to work with SM-STAHL: as the undisputed pioneer of grinding and polishing automation, we know the score. Automation solutions and an increasing number of interlinkage solutions all over the world say more for SM-STAHL than words ever can.

So we'll keep it brief: our philosophy is perfection, plus practicability, plus flexibility. We make your task our own. We subject it to intense and thorough scrutiny ¨C and then we find a solution that is truly useful to you. Solutions from SM-STAHL don't give you fancy high technology just for the sake of it ¨C they are modern tools for profitable production.

You can count on us.
Company Profile
Company Name: SM-STAHL GmbH
Country/Region: Germany
Products/Service We Offer: grinding and polishing automation
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees: 0
Annul Sales(USD): 0

  Contact Detail
Address: Maschinenfabrik In Breiten 6 D-78589 D¨¹rbheim
Telephone: +49 (0) 74 24 /9574-0
Fax: +49 (0) 74 24 /9574-
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