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Studer Mikrosa GmbH
About Us
The Studer Mikrosa GmbH in Leipzig has specialized in all applications of centerless external cylindrical grinding. With the KRONOS series we place a range of flexible, precise and highly productive solutions at your disposal. Equipment investments that pay off.

The roots of the Studer Mikrosa GmbH go back to the year 1878 and since 1949 centerless external cylindrical grinding machines are produced in Leipzig. We manufacture sophisticated precision machines, including the automation components, in all common sizes and adjust these to our customer¡¯s wishes.

On account of our competence in the co-operation with SCHLEIFRING Group we are among the market and technology leaders in the international field. We count nearly every well-known manufacturer from the automotive industry and suppliers, from the mechanical engineering industry as well as from the bearing industry to our customers.

We see the further development of all flow and work processes to the benefit of our customers as a continuos challenge. We are in permanent dialogue with our customers and are able to find specific solutions this way. Moreover, we co-operate with the best researchers from universities and scientific institutions, such as e.g. from Laboratorium f¨¹r Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebslehre at RTWH Aachen (University of Technology), in the field of research and development. This means we can always offer the latest technical expertise. This is what we see as a partnership co-operation which is customer-oriented.

A leading position on the market is not a coincidence but the result of a continuous, customer and process oriented development. Quality and innovation in grinding ¨C values which MIKROSA has represented for years.

Centerless is more. That is the demand we put on ourselves.

Company Profile
Company Name: Studer Mikrosa GmbH
Country/Region: Germany
Products/Service We Offer: centerless external cylindrical grinding
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees: 0
Annul Sales(USD): 0

  Contact Detail
Address: Saarländer Straße 25 D-04179 Leipzig
Telephone: +49-341-49-71-0
Fax: +49-341-49-71-500
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