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Rappold Winterthur Technologie GmbH
About Us
Winterthur Technology Ltd. is among the three leading European manufacturers of bonded abrasives for industrial applications. The Rappold-Winterthur group, with manufacturing plants in Winterthur and Villach, and the SlipNaxos group, with a plant in Västervik, Sweden, are operating under an alliance which is free of overlapping activities.

This alliance embodies an ideal fit in regards to strategy, technology and geographical presence, offering to the customer significant advantages as a competent global supplier. The major customer groups are the automotive, the bearing, the tool and the steel making industry The new group will continue to produce on all its sites and underlines the importance of an independent brand policy within a partnership of equals.

The group sales volume is over CHF 110 millions p.a.

Chairman of the board is Mr Reto Braun and the CEO is Dr. Edgar Rappold

Company Profile
Company Name: Rappold Winterthur Technologie GmbH
Country/Region: Austria
Products/Service We Offer: bonded abrasives
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees: 0
Annul Sales(USD): 0

  Contact Detail
Address: St. Magdalener Strasse 85 A-9500 Villach
Telephone: +43 (04242) 41 811 0
Fax: +43 (04242) 41 811 7
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