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Orient Abrasives Ltd
About Us
Orient Abrasives was set up in 1974, in technical collaboration with Karborundum, Bentueky, Czechoslovakia by the Rajgarhia group of industries as a venture to manufacture Calcined and Fused Alumina products. Today, the Company enjoys the position of being the largest producer of Calcined and Fused Products in India. An ISO 9001 certification and a strong management have led the way for the Company to become a large organization, recognized for its quality offerings.

The Company offers a wide range of Refractory and Monolithic products for the iron and steel industry and enjoy large domestic and international clientele. An in-house R&D facility supports the division¡¯s product development initiatives. This makes OAL the preferred choice for quality products.

Headquartered in New Delhi, India, OAL's manufacturing facilities are located in Porbandar, Gujarat and Bhiwadi, Rajasthan and have the distinction of being ISO - 9001 quality certified.
Company Profile
Company Name: Orient Abrasives Ltd
Country/Region: India
Products/Service We Offer: Calcined Bauxite, Brown Fused Alumina, White Fused Alumina, Pink Fused Alumina, White Fused Mullite, High Alumina Refractory Cement, Zirconia Mullite (Zirmul), Alumina Magnesia
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established: 1974
No.of Employees: 0
Annul Sales(USD): 0
Certificates: ISO9001

  Contact Detail
Address: 1307, Chiranjiv Tower, 43 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019, Delhi
Postcode: 110019
Telephone: +91 11 2642 5446, +91 11 2642 5447
Fax: +91 11 2644 3859
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