All C.D.T. products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards of quality and reliability. The design and manufacturing of diamond tooling is as much an art as an engineering science. Every tool requires a certain amount of hand craftsmanship during the process of manufacturing. Over 29 years of experience and craftsmanship goes into the making of each tool which is backed by a solid warranty. That's why C.D.T. has had such success and growth; our tools are such outstanding performers! We are here to please with our delivery and performance alike.
Since our establishment in 1973, we have developed a highly technical staff that represents many years of expertise in the manufacturing of both standard and specialty items required by the industry. This enables us to tailor our services and products to your customer's most demanding needs. Our confidence stems from having a distributor network which is based on a "people" foundation that is unparalleled in customer service and high quality performance.
When your product application calls for a diamond or CBN wheel or tooling, call on the proven experience of Continental Diamond Tool. We are the cutting edge of technology! Our sales department will be happy to assist you!
Company Profile
Company Name:
Continental Diamond Tool Corp.
United States
Products/Service We Offer:
superabrasive tools
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees:
Annul Sales(USD):
Contact Detail
1221 Hartzell St.New Haven, IN 46774 United States