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Henan Hongxiang Super-Hard Material Co.,Ltd.
About Us
Since its establishment in 1990, Henan Hongxiang Superhard Material Co., Ltd. has been favored by both domestic and foreign clients for more than ten years with its advanced equipment, scientific management, elaborate manufacture and faithful sincere service. Products manufactured by it such as artificial diamond, single crystal, crushed material, micro powder , abrasive paste and crystal combination drawing die has won good comment from foreign and domestic clients. Hongxiang Company has become one of the best enterprises in the wave of market economy. It has been developing and expanding, and has become an enterprise that is industrialized, large scale and modernized.

After temper for many years, Henan Hongxiang Superhard Material Co., Ltd. introduced advanced equipment again in 2001 and made efforts to promote serial products of artificial diamond, metal binding agent and resin binding agent through market investigation, introduction of technical force, training and renovation.

Sinter type glass drill, stone drill, shell drill, glass grinding wheel ( edge grinding wheel, chamfering wheel) and odd shaped wheel.
Ceramics, magnetic material, hard alloy and serial plane grinding wheel, cutting grinding wheel and finishing grinding wheel of automobile industry. Special grinding wheel with special specification can be processed according to the customer's standards.
Company Profile
Company Name: Henan Hongxiang Super-Hard Material Co.,Ltd.
Country/Region: China(Mainland)
Products/Service We Offer: diamond drill,diamond drilling,diamond wheel,diamond saw blade,diamond cutting tools,diamond tools,grinding paste,polishing pad,polishing pad,milling tool,synthetic diamond,diamond core drill bit,diamond powder,sintered drill bit,engineering drill,diamond products,diamond segment
Legal Representative/CEO: jie shao
License: 411424706696994
Year Established: 2004-4-2
No.of Employees: 50
Annul Sales(USD): 100000
Certificates: 411424100002539

  Contact Detail
Address: shaoyuan west street ,zhecheng ,henan,china
Postcode: 476200
Telephone: 86-370-7296688
Fax: 86-370-7296733
Marketing man : huiming wang
Phone/Mobile: 8613937036755

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