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  Chinese news
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 •  A new course of growth for China
 •  Slow growth may spur more support
 •  Made in China 2025 meets German Industry 4.0 in Foshan
 •  China's Steel Output Rises, Adding to Concern Over Global Glut
 •  Overseas manufacturers aid industrial restructuring
 •  Manufacturing loses steam in August
 •  Manufacturing in China needs to get smarter
 •  Crude steel output continues to fall
 •  Police launch assets investigation into steel company
 •  China foreign trade decline widens in August
 •  China's Shift Away From Industry Drains Life From a Steel Town
 •  Iron ore rises on China hopes
 •  Chinese Slowdown Impacts Iron Ore Market
 •  Where's the Chinese Aluminum Industry Headed in 2015?
 •  Steel firms slip into red as glut persists
 •  Baosteel braces for shocks
 •  Austrian steel company voestalpine to maintain China expansion course
 •  Premier urges stronger advanced manufacturing
 •  Internet plus strategy to help solve manufacturing overcapacity
 •  Chinese vice premier stresses consultative service for manufacturing
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Superhard Material of China

Superhard Material of China

Abrasives and Grinding Products of China

Abrasives and Grinding Products of China

Coated Abrasives of China

Coated Abrasives of China

Chia International Abrasives & Grinding Exposition

China International Abrasives & Grinding Exposition

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