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Patent: A Method of Manufacturing of Regenerating Brown Fused Alumina

Post Date: 15 Jun 2012    Viewed: 1156

Application NO: CN201010137469.1

Application Time: Mar 31, 2010

Announcement Time: Aug 25, 2010

Patentee: Hubei Yuli Abrasives Belt Group Co.,Ltd Li Shanyu Li Weimin

This invention relates to a production method of re-generating brown fused alumina abrasives. Put the bonded abrasive tool, such as the wasted ceramic abrasive tool grinding wheel, cutting disc etc. into jaw crusher for coarse crushing and roller crusher for fine crushing. Return the coarse screened abrasives into roller crusher again for re-crushing. Shape the coarse screened abrasives to slices or sword shape in terms of coated abrasives production requirements. Wind washing to remove dust and magnetic separation to remove magnetic material in the abrasives so as to coat grain. Then use the different screen sieve for fine screening to get different size abrasives. The invention makes full use of bonded abrasive tools, such as the wasted ceramic abrasive tool grinding wheel, cutting disc etc. The produced abrasive material can reach the performance of brown fused alumina and can take the place of it. And the performance improves generally more than 30% than that of brown fused alumina. The invention has no the process flow of high energy consumption and high pollution, such as ceramic plating process post-treatment. It saves energy and is favorable for environment protection. This method changes wastes into usable high-end abrasives and is economical and practical.


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