Patent: Fibre Net Reforced Vulcanized Fibre Paper And Reforced Abrasive Paper
Post Date: 13 Dec 2012 Viewed: 1391
Application No.: 200910200175
Application Time: Dec 9, 2009
Announcement Time: June 15, 2011
Patentee: Shanghai Fengxian Jiuan Tools Facotry Li Senxiang
This patent relates to a kind of paper with fibre. The fibre net reinforced fibre discs includes fibre layer and fleece frame that uses fibre net made by fibre wire. And the fibre wire is made of fibre. The fibre net frame is embedded in the paper fibre layer. According to the features of fibre net, the fibre net reinforced fibre discs has better toughness, higher strength and it is not easy to be disintegrated after considering the fibre net as the frame. The fibre discs and grinding products with soft materials manufactured by the technology of this patent have higher hardness and toughness. Reforced abrasive paper includes fibre discs and abrasives layer on the fibre discs. Fibre discs are fibre net reinforced type. It can improve the performance of reinforced abrasive paper with degradation, low cost and good flexibility through fibre net reinforced fibre discs.