Granite quarries issued numerous citations
Post Date: 17 Aug 2009 Viewed: 557
Given that Granite Construction wants to be "a good neighbor," let's just see how they have complied with Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations. Let's take a look at two Granite quarries located near Indio and Twentynine Palms.
In the last 24 months, MSHA has issued 12 mine citations to Granite's Indio Quarry and 16 to the Twentynine Palms Quarry. All of the citations are classified as "closed," meaning that they are not being contested with MSHA.
So what about Granite's newest quarry, Rosemary's Mountain, just eight miles south of their proposed Temecula quarry? In the last 15 months Granite's newest quarry has already had six "mine citations," four of which are closed and two which are being contested.
When you look at MSHA mine citation fine structure, the fines assessed at these three quarries range from a low of $60 to a high of only $1,111. With such insignificant and outdated financial penalties, it is difficult to believe that a major corporation would be motivated to comply by this kind of slap on the wrist.
So, all you 99 new quarry employees – this says what you have to look forward to!