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SMEs' cooperation forum kicks off in Changzhou

Post Date: 27 Jun 2013    Viewed: 1202

The 4th Forum On China-West Asia And North Africa Countries Small & Medium Enterprises Cooperation' officially kicked off on June 26 in Changzhou. The Chairwoman of CPPCC Li Haifeng delivered one of the opening speeches.

"China, West Asian and North African countries have enjoyed long and fruitful relationships and now we are all in the crucial stages of our economic development, greater strength can come from deeper cooperation," she said.

"Chinese enterprise should seize the opportunity to expand in the region and spearhead more cooperation between China and the region", Li added.

Over 150 delegates from 19 countries attended the forum, which emphasized the cooperation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) between China and West Asian and North African countries. SMEs hold the key role in providing employment opportunities and maintaining social stability in developing countries.

The city of Changzhou is located in Jiangsu province. The city is famous for its rich cultural heritage, historical sites and high concentration of private SMEs. On average every 1 in 15 people in Changzhou owns his/her own business.

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