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CBS: Israel's Export of Goods Totaled US$4.0 Billion in July

Post Date: 29 Aug 2009    Viewed: 650

Last week, the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics published its report on Israel's foreign trade showing that in July 2009, import of goods totaled US$4.2 billion, exports of goods totaled US$4.0 billion and the trade deficit totaled US$0.2 billion.

The above is based on temporary data regarding goods that cleared Customs, not including trade between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Development of trade in goods in July 2009, compared with June, was influenced by changes in the value of the USA Dollar against other currencies in which import and export transactions are conducted.

The trade balance (excluding diamonds) shows a deficit of $3.6 billion in January-July 2009 ($8.4 billion in the same months of 2008). The trade balance (excluding diamonds) by main country groups shows a surplus of $3.1 billion with USA, a deficit of $2.8 billion with EU countries, a deficit of $2.0 billion with Asian countries and a deficit of $2.0 billion with Other Countries group.

Import of goods (excluding diamonds), in current prices in U.S. dollars, totaled $3.8B in July.

The trend data calculated by the Central Bureau of Statistics, seasonally adjusted for irregular elements, point to drop on imports of goods of 5.4%, at an annual rate, during May-July 2009.

Trend data by main country groups indicates that imports from EU countries point to a rise of 6.6%, at an annual rate, during May-July 2009. Imports from USA point to a rise of 11.0%, imports from Asia point to a rise of 0.6% and imports from Other Countries point to a drop of 6.4% during the last three months, at an annual rate.

The trend data calculated by the Central Bureau of Statistics, seasonally adjusted and adjusted for irregular elements, point to a rise of export of goods (excluding diamonds) of 11.3% during May-July 2009 at an annual rate. Trend data by main country groups indicates that exports to USA point to a rise of 25.1%, at an annual rate, during May-July 2009. Exports to EU countries point to a drop of 7.2%, exports to Asia point to a rise of 20.2% and exports to Other Countries group point to a rise of 5.7% during the last three months.

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