What are the Chances of Recovering a Missing 3-carat Diamond Eights Months Later?
Post Date: 01 Sep 2009 Viewed: 602
What are the chances of someone losing a 35-year-old, nearly three-carat diamond and then finding it eight months later only a few days before it would have been too late?
WMICentral notes that the odds are pretty slim. But believe it or not, these things do happen. Sherri Reichardt and her husband Leonard, who are both real estate brokers, were in the process of selling their house. During that time, Sherri lost the diamond from her setting. After eight months of searching - at their home, at stores and other locations - the Reichardts more or less gave up hope
However, at the last minute, the diamond miraculously reappeared, right under their noses.
The diamond resurfaced in the corner of a built-in dresser drawer in the house only three days before the house (and the diamond) would have become the property of the new owners. How’s that for luck?