Innovative Graphene Technologies
Post Date: 30 Oct 2013 Viewed: 326
Professor Alexander A. Balandin of the University of California, Riverside will receive the 2013 MRS Medal for his work on thermal properties of graphene, a single atomic plane of carbon atoms, and development of a new materials characterization technique.
Professor Balandin will receive the MRS Medal on the 4th of December at the 2013 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston. The MRS Medal is awarded for a specific outstanding recent discovery or advancement that has a major impact on the progress of a materials-related field.
The book he worked on consists of chapters that are specifically written for readers who are looking for the applications of graphene and its derivatives.
The first objective of this book is to provide readers with numerical/physics based models for assessment of graphene for targeted applications. The second objective is to introduce readers to the industrial applications of graphene. Chapters are carefully written so that readers can choose methodologies for screening of graphene materials for a particular application.
This second volume is written for a broader readership including young scholars and researchers with diverse backgrounds such as chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering. It can be used as a textbook for graduate students, and also as a review or reference book for researchers from different branches of materials science.