California solar power hits new production record
Post Date: 12 Mar 2014 Viewed: 358
Solar power production in California hit a new record on 8 March 2014, as output reached 4,093MW. The mark broke the previous record of 3,926 MW set just a day before on 7 March, according to California Independent System Operator (ISO).
PV power production has taken off in the Golden State, and solar power output has now doubled from 7 June 2013 when California ISO reported a peak production of 2,071MW. Looking back even further, PV production has now quadrupled from totals generated in 2012.
Steve Berberich, president and CEO of California ISO said: “This shows that California is making remarkable progress in not only getting new resources approved and connected to the grid, but making meaningful contributions in keeping the lights on as well…The milestones illustrate that we are well into a new era when clean, renewable energy is shouldering its share of our electricity needs – and that is exciting.”
California’s renewable energy sector (PV, wind, geothermal) now makes up around 15GW of the state’s ISO generation mix.
The new record of PV power produced on 8 March could instantly power about three million homes in California.
California has been a leader in renewable energy utilisation in the US, and the state is the largest solar power producer in the nation. It is currently second in the country in terms of wind projects installed, trailing only Texas.