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Innovative grinding machine unveiled

Post Date: 08 May 2014    Viewed: 408

A crushing grinding machine, developed by the Industrial Innovation Centre (IIC), Caledonian College of Engineering in collaboration with the World of Natural Stones was unveiled under the auspices of Dr Ali bin Masoud al Sunaidi, Minister of Commerce and Industry, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel yesterday.

The unique, small, portable crushing grinding machine is now fully operational and is being used by the World of Natural Stones on a daily basis. The machine takes waste off-cuts into two forms; small pebbles and powder. Although industrial crushers and grinders exist on a large scale, there are no small scale machines available on the international market.

On his side, Hilal bin Hamad al Hasani, CEO of the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (PEIE), to which IIC pertains, stated, “This unveil verifies the objectives of the centre, which comprise developing sustainable models for creating an innovative culture within the industrial sector of the country, building a knowledge-rich culture within the industrial sector in Oman through highlighting mutual benefits of collaboration with the research community, activating connections between industrial and academic communities, which eventually develops Oman’s industry through Research and Development (R&D), among others.”

Al Hasani added, “PEIE has designed a future plan for the expansion of the Industrial Innovation Centre in the various industrial estates that fall under the umbrella of PEIE across the Sultanate. Since its inception in 2009 in partnership with The Research Council (TRC), the IIC supports the industrial projects in Oman and links them with local, regional and international research centres to reinforce cooperation in the development of industries and find ways to promote a culture of innovation.”

Addressing the audience, Abdullah al Zakwani, Executive Director of IIC, underscored, “Many of the Industrial Innovation Centre’s projects use incremental innovation as a means to help improve a small or medium-sized company. Incremental innovation is not about making huge sweeping changes.”

“On the contrary, firms that innovate incrementally tend to do so just a little bit at a time. Incremental innovation is generally a modification or change of an existing product where the main goal is to improve functionality and lower costs.”

He further added that the crushing grinding machine is a perfect example of incremental innovation. Crushing and grinding machines are not new. We all know that crushing grinding machines are internationally available. However they tend to be enormous in size. They are physically bulky and they require a huge amount of space. They are expensive to purchase, besides, they consume vast amounts of marble and granite and have an appetite too large to be satiated from the waste that is generated by small companies.

Therefore, the innovative feature of this crushing and grinding machine is the size. Designed with portability in mind, the researchers at the Caledonian College of Engineering have created a small machine without compromising functionality.

This machine still has the power and strength required to crush granite and marble, some of the hardest compounds in the world. 

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