Alacero finished steel production remains stable in first 4 months 2014
Post Date: 27 Jun 2014 Viewed: 352
During the first 4 months of 2014, the steel market of Latin America and the Caribbean continued to reflect the weaknesses of the global and regional economies and the increasing incidence of imports. It performed only 1% on top the same period of the previous year.
Finished steel apparent use;
Finished steel apparent use in Latin America and the Caribbean reached 22.2 million tonnes in January to April 2014, 221,000 tonnes more than same period of 2013 (1% increase). The countries that contributed most to this moderate growth were Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. On the other hand, Venezuela, Ecuador and Chile showed strong drops in terms of tons and percentage variations.
Trade Balance;
During the first 4 months of 2014, the deficit in the regional trade of finished steel reached -4.1 million tonnes increasing by 7% vs January to April 2013, when it had reached -3.8 million tonnes.
In January to April 2014, every country in Latin America and the Caribbean presented deficits in their finished steel trade balances. Mexico is the country that continually presents the most marked unbalance of -1 million tons. It was followed by Colombia (-772,380 tons), Chile (-506,474 tonnes) and Peru (-502,416 tonnes). Argentina (-100,800 tonnes) and Brazil (-78,375 tons) displayed less marked deficits.
Between Jan-Apr 2014, regional production of crude steel reached 21.5 million tons, 1% more than same period of the previous year. Brasil was the main producer with 11.1 million tons, representing 52% of the regional out put. The countries that collaborated most to the increase of the Latin American production of crude steel were:Argentina (+13%), Mexico (+6%) and Peru (+4%). On the other hand, Venezuela, Chile and Colombia dropped by -32%, -13% and -2% respectively.
During the first 4 months of the year, finished steel production reached 18.4 million tons, in line with same period of 2013. Brazil was the main producer, with 8.5 million tonnes and 46% share of the regional output. Mexico was the second producer with 5.5 million tons (and 30% share). Also, Mexican production grew 5% YoY.
Other countries that increased their production in January to April 2014 YoY were: Colombia (+19%), Peru (+3%), Ecuador (+3%) and Argentina (+1%). Meanwhile, Venezuela and Chile dropped by -31% and -27% respectively. In the case of Chile, this constant drop is partly due to the closure of the flat steel line of Huachipato' Plant (CAP) that took place during 2013.
Advanced information of May 2014 indicates that Crude Steel production reached 5.5 million tons during this month, 5% less than May 2013. Finished steel production closed at 4.5 million tons, 7% less YoY. Between January to May 2014, Latin America and the Caribbean produced 27 million tons of Crude Steel, in line with the same period of 2013. Finished Steel production for the first 5 month of the year reached 23 million tonnes, 1% less Yoy.