France to launch 400MW PV tender
Post Date: 01 Aug 2014 Viewed: 348
The French government has confirmed that its new 400MW PV procurement round will be launched in September.
Further details of the country’s energy reforms have also been released with a new renewable energy target of 32% by 2030, compared to the 23% target for 2020. Both targets are for total energy consumption.
France’s minister responsible for energy and environment, Ségolène Royal, also confirmed that state energy producer will have its nuclear capacity capped at today’s levels. It will also be required to report its plans for diversifying its energy mix in regular updates to the government. Royal said the country's "energy mix had to progress" and said it was important for the country to use its imagination when it came to energy reform.
The new bill will also look to simplify the country’s tendering process and cut financial red tape.
A number of ministerial changes in the energy and environment brief has delayed new policies to kick-start the French solar market.
Industry group Enerplan has called for a solar specific target of 25GW. The current installed capacity is around 4GW with an easily achievable goal of 5.4GW by 2020.