Gemprint Debuts on CSI Episode
Post Date: 10 Dec 2014 Viewed: 362
Angelo Palmieri, the president of Gemprint Corp., proudly announces that the latest version "GEMPRINT" instrument made its debut on the CBS hit crime drama, CSI: Las Vegas on November 23, 2014.
The episode, "Road to Recovery," centered around the mysterious and tragic death of an expensively dressed young woman with a 4-carat diamond ring on her hand. With no identification at the scene or fingerprints on file and no missing person report filed, the only physical evidence that can lead to an identification is the diamond.
The forensic experts discover that, of all the high-tech, expensive, advanced, scientific, crime solving tools available to them, the only one that is capable of solving this mystery is Gemprint. The victim's ring is placed in the Gemprint and with images and graphics flashing, we learn that the diamond had indeed been Gemprinted and was registered in the international database to the husband of the dead woman. Although there are the requisite twists and turns in the story line, the crime is solved thanks to the Gemprint technology.
Click on Gemprint to view the scenes.
This episode of CSI is the second time Gemprint has been specifically written into popular crime dramas on TV. Previously, Gemprint was used to solve a crime on Law and Order.
The latest Gemprint instrument -- as seen on CSI: Las Vegas -- will be available in early 2015. Among the many exclusive features and in addition to producing the optical fingerprint of the diamond and its patented registration and recovery system, this model will take high resolution photomicrographs and scientifically measure the light performance of the diamond -- loose or mounted -- all within a couple of minutes.
Perhaps most importantly, Gemprint is the only diamond identification and recovery system that qualifies for consumer insurance discounts on diamonds that are Gemprinted and registered.
For more information about the latest Gemprint System, please contact or call 888.GEMPRINT.
About Gemprint
Gemprint is an identification system for diamonds that records the unique and subtle distinctions in diamonds, just as fingerprinting does for people. Completely noninvasive, Gemprint technology works by shining a low-powered laser light at a diamond, which is refracted within the diamond and reflected from every facet and internal characteristic. The light coming back from the diamond is a distinct optical fingerprint – a Gemprint – that is recorded and saved in a database shared instantly among a global network of jewelers, law-enforcement and government officials. Gemprints can be matched and retrieved in seconds. As forensic evidence, Gemprint has been used by the FBI and Canada's government since its invention in 1976. The online registry allows consumers to manage their registration, update their contact info, report a diamond lost/stolen, or transfer ownership.
Some of the many benefits are: consumer insurance discounts up to 10 percent from leading insurance companies, positive identification of your diamond, inventory control for jewelers, faster internal and external auditing, loan collateral identification, forensic evidence, increased chance of recovery if lost/stolen, country of origin support for diamonds, high tech revenue stream for jewelers, and true independent auditing of insured merchandise.