Seco Adds Roughing And Small-Diameter Four-Flute Endmills To Jabro Line
Post Date: 14 Jan 2015 Viewed: 403
Seco recently added four-flute designs to its Jabro-HPM JHP951 roughing endmill in diameters of 16 mm and 20 mm and Jabro-Mini JM905 and JM920 small-diameter endmills. These additions further expand the capabilities of Seco’s premium solid carbide tools.
Previously only available in three and five-flute versions, the new four-flute JHP951 endmill features a curved helix, uneven flute spacing and a special flute cavity design. As such, it achieves excellent roughing capabilities in steel, cast iron and other common workpiece materials as well as high metal removal rates in unstable machining conditions.
Also, when compared to the five-flute version, the four-flute JHP951 exerts less cutting forces and frees up space for chip evacuation, thus widening its capabilities to perform reliable deep pocketing and slotting up to 1.5 x D in all machining environments. The tool is available in 16 mm and 20 mm diameters.
The expansion of the Jabro-Mini JM905 and JM920 endmills to include four-flute versions reflects the medical and dental industries’ increased demand for precision, small-diameter tools with a higher number of flutes.
Designed for use with small, high-rpm machine tools, the four-flute JM905 and JM920 effectively tackle cobalt chromium, titanium and other tough workpiece materials used for implant production. The strength and stability of these tools also allow them to withstand the constantly changing chip loads found in medical and dental labs.
Previously only available as specialty tooling, the JM905 and JM920 endmills are available in diameters from 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm and in long overhang lengths based on the typical dimensions up to 16 x D.