CP traders prefer granite to sandstone flooring
Post Date: 24 Oct 2009 Viewed: 590
NEW DELHI: There has been much debate over flooring of the verandahs of the heritage buildings in Connaught Place. While Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC) recommended that sandstone be used to re-develop the area, the traders body has opposed this and has written to the commission saying sandstone flooring would be difficult to maintain and granite should be used instead.
New Delhi Traders Association (NDTA) argue that the use of sandstone would mean continuing with the original flooring style of the heritage market and that it will be more practical to use granite as it needs less maintainence and lasts longer.
DUAC maintained it would take a decision on the matter after its officials visit CP next week.
After the traders' association wrote to the DUAC regarding the matter on July 24, the commission asked the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) chairperson for his comments on the issue, according to NDTA president Atul Bharghav.
"The sandstone flooring in B-block has already degraded though the it was changed only a few months back. Sandstone is porous and is difficult to clean. We want granite flooring as used in C-block, but it should not have any design and should be of uniform colour,'' Bharghav said.
According to NDTA, granite is a hard stone and is better suited for heavy pedestrian movement as seen in CP. "A decision will have to be taken on the matter before October 30, as NDMC will require time to procure granite in bulk for the re-development work. DUAC officials will visit CP for inspection next week and we hope they will agree to granite flooring,'' added Bhargav.
While the civic body has used granite for flooring in the already restored C-Block, DUAC has asked it to used sandstone henceforth. At present, except for C-block, the flooring of the rest of CP is Kota stone. "We wanted to use granite flooring in CP. But after DUAC recommendations we plan to use sandstone unless fresh directions are issued by the commission,'' said an NDMC official.