The Shapes of the Cores of Diamond Circular Saw Blades
Post Date: 11 Nov 2009 Viewed: 737
There are two kind rims of diamond circular saw blades: continuous and segmented. Continuous rim diamond circular blades can cut smoothly with less material chips, while all the welded diamond circular blades and especially the ones whose diameter are bigger than 400 mm adopt the cores with segmented rim, on which diamond segments can be more easily welded.
Cooling water in wet cutting and air and dust in dry cutting can flow through the slots on the periphery of segmented cores. The slot’s shape has basically three types: narrow slot (e.g., granite and marble diamond blades), wide slot (e.g., asphalt diamond blades) and keyhole-shaped slot (e.g., general purpose diamond blades). Generally, the more abrasive the material to be cut is, the wider the slots should be, for this can improve cooling conditions and prolong the diamond blade’s service life.