Diamond Mine Road Traffic Lowest Since 1999
Post Date: 14 Dec 2009 Viewed: 598
According to the Northern News Services, the number of loads scheduled to be driven over the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Road this winter is about 3500 – the lowest number since 1999, said Erik Madsen, director of the Canadian diamond industry’s winter road.
In order to give some idea of just how low that number is, in 2007 (a record year), the road was used by over 11,740 loads.
The cause of the drop in numbers is largely due to a combination of two factors; the completion of De Beers’ Snap Lake diamond mine and the fact that Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. is ready to head begin its underground diamond mining early next year. Building materials are thereby not required to be transported.
"The Snap Lake's Lake diamond mine is built, Diavik's underground diamond mining construction has been completed now and basically they're all in operational mode now and that's reduced loads this year,", said Madsen.
Whatever the load, the southernmost part of the road, which leads to the Dome Lake maintenance camp, is due to undergo construction from December 28 this year, with approximately 140 people working on the diamond mines’ winter road at any given time. The road’s security will be handled by Deton'Cho/Scarlett Security Services Ltd.