Indian Stones Can Meet Poland's Funerary Needs
Post Date: 21 Jan 2010 Viewed: 566
Though entire Europe is a big market showing continuous massive demand for stone and stone products in funerary sector, Poland is showing huge opportunity in its restoration work and replacement work of funerary monuments. This presents a big chance for countries like India which have been doing good business in the sector for a long time, exporting monuments to Germany, UK, USA, Holland and Ireland.
In Poland almost 25 per cent tombs constructed during communist regime are in need of urgent repair, and even replacement showing opportunities for the stone sector, which accelerated up after Poland's entry into European Union because of availability of fresh credit for investment.
Having sent its first consignment of stone monuments to UK in early 30s, today India stands on top of the list of exporter countries of monuments in the world. In the light of Polish culture using stone for memorials and monuments, India with its massive potential and established credentials in the industry can make big with specific promotional campaign focusing the sector.