ASTM Sets June for Int'l Symposium on Masonry
Post Date: 02 Apr 2010 Viewed: 522
ASTM will hold a international masonry symposium on June 8 at the Renaissance St. Louis Grand and Suites Hotel in St. Louis.
The session offers a dialogue on all aspects of masonry, including innovations in materials, design, specification, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation. It will also emphasize the application of ASTM standards, and coordination with building codes, project specifications and international standards.
Designers, specifiers, builders, material suppliers, researchers and forensic engineers will find valuable information at the symposium in terms of building new structures, evaluating and rehabilitating existing ones, and ensuring quality masonry construction in general.
Sponsored by ASTM's international commitees on cement (CO1), lime (CO7), unit masonry (C12) and manufactured masonry units (C15), the conference will be held in conjunction with the June 8-11 standards-development meetings of the committees.