Alrosa Expects US$300 Million in Proceeds from Diamond Sales in April
Post Date: 15 Apr 2010 Viewed: 559
Russian diamond giant Alrosa expects its proceeds from rough and polished diamond sales to amount to US$300 million this month, according to a company press release. For this quarter as a whole, the company plans to sell US$900 million worth of rough and polished diamonds.
Alrosa says it is preparing proposals with regard to signing long-term contracts with diamond manufacturers from China and Israel, as part of its policy aimed at the geographic diversification of sales.
The United Selling Organization of Alrosa has confirmed strong demand for rough diamonds during a regular meeting of the management team of the Russian diamond giant led by President Fyodor Andreev. An auction of specials (large diamonds weighing over 10.8 carats) held in April 2010 recorded prices that were comparable with those of the spring 2008, says the company release.