Mining Machinery Industry
Post Date: 04 Aug 2010 Viewed: 511
Mining machinery industry is closely related to the development of stone industry 2009 is a difficult period for stone machinery industry, but relate to other industries, the problem which is met by the stone machinery industry is not so bad as imagine. Stone production and stone mechanical technology has the great influence in the world. Stone mechinery industry and stone chamber has been supported by local 330 enterprises. Mr. Marabelli point out that, in 2008, mechanical exports is 8.26 billion euros, compared to 8.51 million euros in 2007, there is a slight decline. Additionally he notes that India has overtaken the United States as the first buyers, the main exporters of stone processing tool and machnical technology in 2009 also chang into India. Of course Russia, China and Egypt, Saudi Arabia is also main goal.