GIA Symposium set for May 2011
Post Date: 26 Aug 2010 Viewed: 543
The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) announced setting its "Advancing the Science and Business of Gems" symposium to May 29-30, 2011, at its world headquarters in Carlsbad.
According to the GIA website, the event will also commemorate the 80th anniversary of GIA.
The international symposium will feature panels on the following:
Gem localities and formation
Diamond, colored stone and pearl identification
New technologies and gem characterization
Marketing to the customer of the 21st century
Political, ethical and legal issues
Gem evaluation and appraisal
Jewelry history, design and manufacturing
The sessions will feature presentations by prominent scientists and diamond industry experts from around the world. The event will also include a poster session, where presenters will display innovative research projects on various aspects of gemology and the gem industry.
“This will be a unique opportunity to bring together the best and brightest from the many different components of our industry,” said Donna Baker, GIA CEO. “Symposium 2011 will address the unprecedented challenges the global gem and jewelry communities have faced since our last symposium and research conference in 2006.”
Baker added, “The benefits to attending Symposium 2011 are innumerable. It will provide access to groundbreaking research, unparalleled networking with the top leaders in the gem world, ideas and information that may mean more business opportunities for attendees, and education on new sources that can provide a competitive advantage and new treatments that can save costly mistakes.”