How to Remove Rust From Marble
Post Date: 28 Apr 2009 Viewed: 955
Many homes have beautiful marble accents such as marble tiles, sinks, counter-tops and even marble tables. Sometimes leaving certain objects on marble such as lamps, candles or decorative objects can leave rust stains. Commercial cleaners can be too harsh for for marble. Take great care when removing rust from marble.
Wet dust the marble surface to make sure the dust and surface dirt is removed. Marble is a very porous material. The acid in most commercial cleaners can ruin the smooth look of marble and can even set in the rust stain further. Use distilled water when damp dusting marble.
Towel dry the marble and squeeze the juice of half a lemon on the rust spot.
Let the lemon juice set for five minutes.
Sprinkle cream of tartar or baking soda on the lemon juice and rub the combination with a soft cloth to work it into the marble.
Rinse the marble with distilled water. Repeat if rust still remains on the marble.
Remove Rust From Marble
Use baking soda toothpaste to remove a small spot of rust. Sometimes there is such a small rust spot that the complete treatment might be a little much.
Squeeze a little bit of baking soda toothpaste (Tom's of Maine or even Trader Joe's) on the rust spot.
Work the toothpaste into the rust spot with an old toothbrush.
Rinse and dry off with a towel, repeat if necessary