How to Clean Sandstone Wall Tile
Post Date: 29 Apr 2009 Viewed: 878
Sandstone wall tile is beautiful and timeless. Not only does sandstone wall tile add warmth and depth to any room, but it adds a quality of luxury to your home. Cleaning sandstone tile is not difficult, but it is important to make its beauty last a lifetime.
To keep your sandstone wall tiles clean, they should be sealed when they are brand new. Unsealed sandstone is very susceptible to stains and discoloration. Sealants should be applied every 3 or 4 years to keep the sandstone protected. Sealants also prevent the absorption of moisture into the stone which can also cause staining from chemicals in the air.
Keep your sandstone wall tiles free of dust and dirt. Using a vacuum
Wipe down your sandstone wall tiles regularly with a soft cloth dampened in plain water. Do not use commercial cleaners on your sandstone wall tiles as they can cause pitting, staining and erosion. Wipe down your tiles often to keep them free of built-up air pollutants.
Keep your hands off your sandstone wall tiles. Oils and dirt from the skin can be absorbed into the stone and may cause staining in areas commonly touched such as the area surrounding a light switch.