Alrosa Sells $13.5M in Diamonds at Hong Kong Auctions
Post Date: 29 Sep 2010 Viewed: 500
Alrosa's total sales of rough diamonds and polished diamonds at this month's Hong Kong auctions have exceeded $13.5 million.
At one auction, the government-owned Russian diamond supplier sold 89 different lots of rough diamonds comprising over 1.6 million carats. Diamonds weighing over 10.8 carats each accounted for $10.2 million in auction sales, and three other diamonds of over 50 carats were also sold.
According to the Interfax news agency, 24 firms from Hong Kong, Belgium, India, and Israel bid on the Alrosa diamond lots.
At another auction, Alrosa sold 69 polished diamonds with a combined weight of 264.66 carats, which fetched $3.323 million. The most expensive polished diamond sold weighed 4.01 carats and was knocked down for over $52,000.