Zimbabwe Govt Takes Over Joint Diamond Mining Venture
Post Date: 08 Nov 2010 Viewed: 722
The government of Zimbabwe is taking control of a joint diamond mining venture it was operating with the Core Mining company following allegations by Goodwills Masirembwa, chairman of the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, that Core was dealing in conflict diamonds, AP reports.
No response was available from the Core directorship, all 12 of were banned Friday from conducting mining business in Zimbabwe.
Last year, according to Masirembwa, Core promised to invest $2 billion in the ZMDC, but only put up $1.5 million and never went ahead with any diamond exploration or mining in the country's Chiadzwa diamond fields.
Zimbabwe's rough diamond exports have been under an international embargo following reports of human rights abuses and smuggling after the state took control of the rich Chiadzwa and Marange diamond fields, although the Kimberley Process authorized two small sales of Zimbabwe diamonds in September on the condition that KP monitors be allowed to inspect conditions in the mining regions.
Last week's Kimberley Process plenary meeting closed without taking any decision on the issue of Zimbabwe diamonds.