Research on Grinding Mechanism and Grinding Wheels for PCD Cutting Tools
Post Date: 20 Nov 2010 Viewed: 473
The advantages of Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) cutting tools compared to others such as carbide and ceramic are based on the combination of high hardness and wear resistance as well as good thermal conductivity and chemical inertness. Because of its physical properties, PCD cutting tools cause considerable difficulties as workpieces in fabrication into cutting tools by mechanical grinding. To solve the problem, this paper mainly studies grinding process, grinding mechanism and grinding wheels for PCD cutting tools.First, this paper studies grinding process and grinding mechanism of PCD cutting tools. PCD cutting tools and grinding wheels for PCD cutting tools are examined in detail. The PCD compact of PCD cutting tools is made of diamond powders bonded by C-C bond of the diamond. So PCD cutting tools is super brittle. The grinding process for PCD cutting tools is made more economical and total costs for the use of PCD reduced. And the contact force FA is the best important fact in the grinding process. Corresponding with the grinding process, grinding mechanism for PCD cutting tools is made of pre-grinding and fine grinding mechanism.Second based on the grinding process and grinding mechanism, manufacturing process of grinding wheels for PCD cutting tools is discussed. The properties of diamond abrasives, manufacturing proper of the bond and the whole grinding wheels are analyzed in proper sequence. Based on the experiments, the manufacturing process of pre-grinding wheels" bond (Cu40Sn60) and fine grinding wheels" bond (Cu90Sn10) can be concluded.