Alrosa Meets 4Q Rough, Polished Target Sales at $680M
Post Date: 22 Nov 2010 Viewed: 496
Russian diamond giant Alrosa reported selling some $250 million worth of rough and polished diamonds during October, thus projecting that total sales for the fourth quarter sales would meat the estimated goal of $680 million.
Alrosa President Fyodor Andreev confirmed the company met its debt reduction and restructuring goals, adding that Alrosa's total debt portfolio was reduced by $550 million to $3.25 billion.
According to a company press release, the Russian diamond miner expects rough diamond prices will continue to rise in the near future. Nevertheless, the company said in a statement, "Alrosa believes that major diamond producers – in shaping their price policies – must be focused on maintaining overall market stability, as the speculative factor poses a potential threat for the diamond business."
Addressing Alrosa's long term plans of becoming a public company, Andreev said that in management's view, such a move would be expedient from an economic point of view.