Harry Winston's Rough Diamond Sales Up 192% in Q3
Post Date: 13 Dec 2010 Viewed: 625
The Harry Winston Diamond Corporation's rough diamond sales were up 192% in the third quarter of 2010 compared to Q3 2009, the company announced in its Q3 2010 financial report, released this weekend.
The diamond company's rough diamond sales comprised $60.7 million in Q3 2010 compared to $20.8 million in Q3 2009, mainly due to an increase of 182% in the volume of carats sold.
Rough diamond production for the quarter stood at 0.71 million carats, a 115% increase over the 0.33 million carats produced in the corresponding quarter of 2009.
Harry Winston's retail sales increased 48% year on year to $80.2 million, while consolidated sales increased 88% in the quarter - rising to $140.9 million from $74.8 million in Q3 2009.
Chairman and CEO Robert Gannicott said that diamond demand in the Far East continued to "propel rough diamond prices as the Diavik mine transitions to underground production."
Gannicott also noted that marketing efforts and new Harry Winston jewelry stores were "capturing the branded luxury appetites" of the world's emerging diamond markets.