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Sahar Atid Diamonds Honored With Israel's Outstanding Exporter Award

Post Date: 21 Dec 2010    Viewed: 661

Yair Sahar and Moti Abu of Sahar Atid Diamonds were honored with the title of the outstanding exporter award in the diamond sector by Shimon Peres, the President of Israel, Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Israel’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, and Moti Ganz, President of the International Diamond Manufacturers Association.

Sahar Atid Diamonds received the title along with a number of other leading companies in Israel.

Shimon Peres, the President of Israel, told the audience that the secret of Israel cannot be found in economic books, but actually in books of faith. “Maybe the lack of natural resources made us creative,” he pondered. “When there is no choice, there is nothing to do but create.” Peres also said the concept of work needed to change and stressed the importance of learning.

Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Israel’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, reflected upon Sahar Atid and the Israeli diamond sector in his address. He said that he hopes that ‘together we can return the diamond sector to its natural position’ following some challenging times.

Ben Eliezer also praised how Boaz Hirsch, Deputy Director General for Foreign Trade in Israel’s Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, had fulfilled his role as Chair of the Kimberley Process.


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