Hong Kong's Polished Diamond Imports, Exports Rise in 2010
Post Date: 07 Mar 2011 Viewed: 573
Hong Kong imported 28.75 million carats of polished diamonds from January – December 2010, a 16.83% increase by volume and a 39.29% increase by value compared to 2009, the Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited reports.
India was Hong Kong's largest supplier of polished diamonds in 2010, sending 19.68 million carats of polished to Hong Kong. Polished imports from India were followed by polished imports from the US, mainland China, and Belgium. Israel was Hong Kong's sixth-largest supplier of polished diamonds by volume (788,071 carats) but its third-largest by value.
Hong Kong exported or re-exported 21.78 million carats of polished diamonds in 2010 – a 15.96% increase from 2009 by volume and a 40.55% increase by value. The largest consumers of polished diamonds from Hong Kong were India (11.93 million carats) and mainland China (5 million carats.)
Hong Kong's imported a total of 10.8 million carats of rough diamonds in 2010, an increase of approximately 19% both in terms of value and volume. India, Belgium, and Israel were the largest suppliers of rough diamonds to Hong Kong in 2010.
Re-exports of rough diamonds for 2010 stood at 10.67 million carats, a 13.9% increase by volume and a 17% increase by value.