Bharat Diamond Bourse to Hold Online Auction for Office Space
Post Date: 28 Mar 2011 Viewed: 546
The Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB), the world’s largest diamond bourse, will be holding an online auction for approximately 135 of its offices in April 2011. To bid for these offices, all applicants need either to be an existing member or should have applied for Trade Membership of BDB by April 7 and the Trade Membership Application should be in principle approved by the enrollment and managing committee.
Speaking about this online auction, BDB President Anoop Mehta said: “All participants are required to apply online and submit their earnest money deposits by April 18, 2011. On approval, only registered bidders can participate in the auction for the block of shares with occupancy rights of stipulated premises.''
The eight towers of BDB accommodate more than 2,500 offices, out of which 2,300 have already been assigned.
“BDB invites participants for this unique auction for which the eligibility criteria for membership and Trade Membership Form have been uploaded on the website ( ). The auction in totality will be held online and no physical bids will be accepted under any circumstances,'' said Mehta.
He added, ''The auction is open to all member of the diamond trade globally, so long as they are a member of a diamond bourse affiliated to the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), making it an excellent opportunity for international companies to open office in India.''