Talking Marble Grinded Craft
Post Date: 22 Apr 2011 Viewed: 481
International collectively name marble as cloud stone with its natural simplicity of texture and bright color.Marble Grinded Craft has been widely used in building interior walls.Due to the relatively loose in the marble material pattern,we must first talk about the marble grinded craft.More joint line results in processing.Transporting installation and various forms of pollution and warpage easily and other volatile optical phenomenon, affecting the decorative effect, so the marble industry, nursing care is also a required course.To do prior to the renovation of the first waterproof sanding the purpose of water as little as possible so that the stone, which can reduce the stone water law, 300 # and then do water, then water as sharpening effect will cause decreased or disappeared, conditions permitting, 800 # case, then do a better waterproof.To the more loose stone, such as white sand beige, sandstone, tropical rain forest, wood and stone, sealed first with a high content of curing agent (such as super-hard inorganic coatings, organic content of more than 40% silicone sealant) for pre-treatment, so that To fill the loose stone and also in the hardening of the material.