Studer launches 2011 Award
Post Date: 10 May 2011 Viewed: 504
Cylindrical grinding specialist Studer is awarding its research prize, the 'Fritz Studer Award' to promote and strengthen developments in the machine tool industry by means of innovative approaches.
For this competition the company is looking for thesis and research results that contain:
• Innovative machine concepts or components for machine tools in precision machining
• Alternative materials in mechanical engineering
• Simulation models of dynamic and thermal behaviour of machine tools
• Control and sensor concepts for machine tools
• New or further developed manufacturing technologies, especially in hard-fine machining, such as grinding, hard turning, etc.
This research award is directed to graduates with an engineering degree from any European University or Institute of Technology. All graduates may participate who had thesis which contain scientific or research based topics and are able to demonstrate their proven research skills and capabilities.
Work that is submitted by 31/12/2011 will be assessed and valuated by a competent jury. Members of the jury are:
Once the winner has been named, the prize will be awarded during the Fritz Studer AG 100 year anniversary celebration in June 2012.
The winner will get a prize money in the amount of CHF 10'000.00, the Fritz Studer Award and a Certificate.