Israel's Diamond Export Growth: From $6 Million in 1948 to $80 Billion
Post Date: 12 May 2011 Viewed: 503
Israel's diamond exports today are 13,400 times what they were when the state was founded – having grown from $6 million to some $80.5 billion, Calcalist reports, quoting data from the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute.
The figures also show changing trends in Israel's export economy. Whereas at the beginning the state exported mainly citrus fruit, diamonds, and a small amount of industrial products, Israel has become mainly an exporter of technology: electronics, software, and computer systems, communications, and medical devices.
In 2010, Israel's exports of high-tech products and services, including research and development, totaled $28.5 billion and accounted for some 35% of all Israeli exports. Agricultural exports, which reached $1.3 billion in 2010, comprised only 2% of the country's total exports.
Since Israel's founding, North America and Europe have been central markets for Israeli goods. But whereas in the 1950s and 60s exports to Europe comprised some 70% of Israeli exported goods, today it takes in only some 32%. However, whereas Asia was a market for only 1% of Israeli exports in the 1950s, today the Asian market for Israeli goods has grown to 24%.
The Export Institute predicts that Israel's exports will grow 7% by dollar value in 2011 and stand at $86 billion.