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Research of Simulated Temperature Measurment of Growth Synthectic Diamand

Post Date: 25 May 2011    Viewed: 543

In 1954,American GE company announced to the world that they had first discovered the making methods of synthetic the follow 50 years,Along with the improving of people"s life, the pursuing of people to the quality of the life is high more and more. As the necessity of life, the synthetic diamand for industry and daily life use is increasing. The standard for the synthetic diamand gradually tends to rich-looking, comfortable, luxury and etc. It is not only an opportunity but also a challenge for the development of the synthetic diamand industry of our country.The hexahedral gemel hydraulic press is mostly used equipment in Chinese synthetic diamond industry.During the product process,the pressure and the temperature have crucial affect not only the quality,but also the size and the rate of the growth of the synthetic diamand.Improper pressure and temperature can not get the good product. In conventional way,people often use the power value to caculate and control the temperature during the product processing.But infact,this way is not so accurate because of the variational characteristic of the chamber. So in this paper, we want to use the diathermanous method,and measure the temperature of the pushing hammer,then get the temperature of the chamber.Firstly, this paper outlines the development situation of synthetic diamand field in China and its researches at present. From the present condition, there is no perfect method for control of synthetic diamand in either home country or foreign country. What"s more, the level of automation in home country is far behind the foreign country. This is one of all result of vulgarity of the synthetic diamand in our country.To product process,the equipment and on-line measure and collect the data of all parameters is the premise of the control over them.Chapter 2 give a introduce to the equipment and the technologic flow of the productiong of synthetic diamand, and also argues the present status of parameter measurement in the process,including the methods and appliance of temperature and pressure and medium and so on, and the conversion theory from graphite turn to synthetic diamand.Chapter 3 primarily find a way to establish the temperature relation between the measurement point and the chamber point.By the theory ofcalorifics ,we make a reasonable simplify to the pushing hammer, According to the structural characteristics of the caloric impedance,make a simulate model of the chamber and the pushing hammer. The paper details the hardware and mathematics structure, and the caloric principle of the system, as well as the method to measure and control the parameters.Chapter 4 explain how to build the application software for the simulate measurement and surveillant to the temperature. The software is designed by VisualBasic 6.0 and communicating with the measurement board by RS-232 port,the data collected is stored in the database provided by Access.Lastly, the work of the dissertation and look forward to the further are briefly summarized.


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