Diamond Industry Members Flock to Patriot Act Workshops in NYC
Post Date: 30 May 2011 Viewed: 659
Members of the Diamond Dealers Club and the Indian Diamond & Colorstone Association (IDCA) have packed the DDC New York headquarters for three PATRIOT Act Compliance (PAC) Anti-Money Laundering (AML) workshops.
"AML Compliance is required by law for our members," said DDC President Moshe Mosbacher, opening the seminar. "One of the world's foremost legal authorities has reviewed and endorsed the TransGuardian solution. We're proud to present a no-nonsense, easy and economical way to get compliant and stay compliant."
Primarily an online logistics software provider for high-value shippers, Transguardian has developed a series of online wizards, which explain the Patriot Act regulations and give diamond and gemstone dealers hands-on tools to get the job done.
Transguardian's online wizards automatically generate a set of tools for a dealer to become compliant, and the company also provides online Restricted Person Screening (RPS) to help dealers "KYC" - Know Your Customer (or Supplier).
TransGuardian's RPS links in real-time to 17 international government AML and anti-terrorism watch lists, including the US Treasury's SDN, the FBI, the World Bank and Interpol. TransGuardian Members can type in any name, business name and/or address and instantly find out if that entity is prohibited for trade by law.
TransGuardian offers an online course for $699 for non-DDC members and $499 for DDC members.