Master Chemical offers universal cutting and grinding fluids for machining copper alloys
Post Date: 28 Jun 2011 Viewed: 490
The new Trim E720 and E909 universal cutting and grinding fluids from Master Chemical contain no aggressive biocides and are suitable for medium to heavy-duty machining of aluminium, steel alloys and yellow metals.
While machining brass with the Trim E720 and E909, there is no discolouration of the fluid and the machine remains untainted by colourful residues and soaps.
In addition, Trim E909 contains extra EP additives that give it greater strength for tough machining jobs and, according to Master Chemical, its high lubricity delivers long tool life on stainless and titanium machining.
Both oils are free from boric acid, which is now on the Substances of Very High Concern List — part of the EU’s chemical regulation initiative.