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Why The Average Person Would Buy A Synthetic Diamond Over A Real One

Post Date: 14 Jul 2011    Viewed: 631

I have no doubt that you have heard the saying that all that glitters is not gold. However, you might not have heard that all that sparkles is not diamonds.

Well that is because I made it up as I consider that it applies to the identifying of diamonds. Equally I am sure that all of you have heard about cubic zirconia.

However, you might be less familiar with the term synthetic diamonds, let me attempt to enlighten you to the meaning and application of the term.

A true diamond or natural diamond come from mother nature, whether she spits it out of a volcano, whether she deposit them on the banks of some rivers or whether she pelts it from a million miles from outer space.

This is probably why they are girls best friends, because they are a natural gift from a mother. That is just my opinion I could be wrong here.

Anyhow the point is that today's technology has advance so much that mankind can, to some extent copy mother nature by being able to create diamonds in laboratories. The diamonds although produce in a lab are sometimes of gem-like quality and can be produce in various sizes.

Since the demand for diamonds has increase due to technology and industrial advances, the dependency on diamonds has increase also because of the fact that about 80% of all diamonds are used in industries and so this process of manufacturing diamonds has been developing for more than fifty years now.

Despite the fact that the production of synthetic diamonds only account for a fraction of the total distribution of diamonds and only measured in the thousands as compared to natural diamonds that accounts for billions of carats.

The average person looking for a colorful diamond would more than likely choose a synthetic diamond over a real one. Why is that you ask?

Well this is because of three simple reasons, the first is that all synthetic diamonds are all colorful in design. The second reason is that only 0.01% of all mother nature's diamond are of color, while all the rest of the 99.99% are white or clear for simpler terms.

The third is obviously the price as the average person in the street will find it hard to afford a real proper diamond of any real significant. This is primarily due to the early monopoly of the De Beer group who raised the price of diamonds by 14%.

These synthetic diamonds are produced under extremely high pressure and high temperature or HPHT and the majority of them have a yellowish color, although you can get them in different colors as well, such as blue and pink.

These colors are usually the result of the impurities in the nitrogen, while the other colors are the result of additives like baron.

The term growing as it relates to synthetic diamonds refers to the method by which chemicals in the form of vapors are deposited into a chamber, which under very low pressure causes the growth process to begin.

This growth is help along by feeding a mixture of different gases into the same chamber and splitting them. Although this is the most popular method for creating synthetic diamonds it is usually used for the coating of synthetic diamonds.

Enhancements is the process of giving synthetic and natural diamonds the advantage of having greater gemological characteristics. These treatments can improve the color grade of a diamond and gives color to white or clear diamonds. So buyers beware.

A mission with a passion for Diamonds is what we are all about, we see that the diversity of diamonds in all there beauty and luster as a gift from the Gods to open up ours see to his magnificent splendor. Visit there now and see for yourself, you will be amazed.

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