GJEPC Promises Safety for Diamond Buyers at IIJS
Post Date: 19 Jul 2011 Viewed: 570
India's Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council has reassured foreign diamond buyers arriving for the India International Jewellery Show that it will protect visitors through all possible security measures. The reassurance comes in light of the recent bombings in Mumbai that killed more than 20 people, among them several diamond brokers.
Large delegations from abroad are expected to attend the IIJS at the beginning of August, including diamond dealers from Belgium, Israel and the Far East.
Vice Chairman of the GJEPC Sanjay Kothari was quoted in The Art of Jewellery: "We will make every effort to ensure that foreigners are safe and that everyone is taken care of." He refused to let terrorism get the upper hand, stating, "We must be strong enough to minimize the impact the terrorists have on our lives and give support to those that have been affected."