89 Companies Buy 410 Lots in Diamdel Auction
Post Date: 01 Aug 2011 Viewed: 600
De Beers-owned Diamdel sold all of its 410 lots during its most recent auctions, which ran from June 28 to July 14. The lots were divided into categories of near gems, small diamonds, grainers, diamonds over 2 carats and "large" diamonds. Some 189 companies participated in the auction, including businesses from Belgium, Israel, India and Asia Pacific. The largest number of lots purchased by a single company was 37, which comprised 9% of the total available.
During the auctions, Diamdel launched a new type of auction wherein companies could demand the quantities they needed of specific products.
According to Director of Sales and Marketing Jonathan Whitney, the prices rose across all the product ranges, with the greatest increases recorded for the "smalls" and "grainers" categories.
In terms of value of the lots, sightholders won 45% of the lots, while non-sightholders won the remaining 55%.